Charitonov Brothers’ Soul-Stirring Niggun

Rabbi Menachem Amar released a single from his upcoming album ‘Gaaguim 7’, a soul-stirring niggun by renowned composers and ba’al menagnim R’ Aharon and Sholom Charitonov.

Ba’al menagen Rabbi Menachem Amar released a single from his upcoming album ‘Gaaguim 7’, an album of Chasidic melodies in the authentic style of yesteryear.

The niggun was composed by renowned composers and ba’al menagnim R’ Aharon and Sholom Charitonov, who composed tens of Chabad niggunim, many which are sung until today.


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    1. Correct, it was Reb Moshe Charitonow, not Reb Shalom and Aron.
      Another name for this niggun is “Nikulaiver Niggun”.

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