Chanukah Reaches Jamaican Prime Minister

Jamaica’s Prime Minister Andrew Holmes joined a Chanukah celebration with shliach Rabbi Yaakov Raskin, who presented him with a unique menorah.

By reporter

Chabad of Jamaica held a special ceremony with Prime Minister Andrew Holmes on Tuesday, the sixth night of Chanukah.

Together with shliach Rabbi Yaakov Raskin, the prime minister helped light the menorah, and was gifted his own in the colors of the Jamaican flag.

Holmes shared the encounter on Twitter, spreading the message of Chanukah to the public.” I had the pleasure of participating in the lighting of the Menorah,” he wrote. “The Jewish community celebrates Chanukah for eight days by lighting the Menorah. The Menorah is a global symbol of freedom over oppression, spirit over matter, and light over darkness.

“Jamaica is home to between 300-350 Jews, with at least 21 Jewish burial grounds across the island. I hope that the Jamaican public sees the diversity of the society in which we live and how embracing our society is.”

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