Chanukah Kits Reach Every Jewish Home in Sochi

The Jewish community in Sochi celebrated Chanukah at a joyous party hosted by Chabad of Sochi, headed by Shliach Rabbi Sholom Lazar. A special distribution brought Chanukah kits to every Jewish family in the city.

The Jewish community in Sochi celebrated the fourth night of Chanukah in the “Hyatt Regency Sochi” hall. Hundreds of people attended a joyous party hosted by Chabad of Sochi headed by Shliach Rabbi Sholom Lazar.

Representative of the State Duma Deputy of the Sochi district Mr. Alexander Frolov greeted and wished a Happy Chanukah to the entire community, followed by lighting the first candle of the Menorah.

A special Chanukah party program was held for children, including every kid coloring special t-shirts with chanukah theme.

The event was followed by this years’ special distribution of hundreds of Chanukah kits by Chabad to every Jewish home in Sochi.

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