Chabad Singer Releases New Single of Hope

A few days after Simchas Torah, Chabad singer and composer Shmuel Honig sat alone and imagined what he would daven in the terror tunnels. The result was this song of hope.

has teamed up with singer David Taub for a powerful and hopeful duet called “Shomer Yisrael.” The song was written by Honig just a few days after Simchas Torah,

Chabad singer and composer Shmuel Honig has teamed up with singer David Taub for a powerful and hopeful duet called “Shomer Yisrael.” The song was written by Honig just a few days after Simchas Torah, the day of the horrific and brutal massacre of Jews in the south.

“Our hearts are worried, and we can’t stop thinking about the hostages and their families,” Honig said. “I sat alone and imagined what I would do if I myself were one of the hostages in the terror tunnels, what would I plead before Hashem? And from my aching heart came out this song.

“May it be Hashem’s will that we merit to come out from all our situation and reach the ultimate and complete redemption through Moshiach Tzidkeinu very soon, Amen!”


Melody: Shmuel Honig

Lyrics: Shmuel Honig, Tehillim

Guest Singer: David Taub

Musical Arrangement and Production: Adi Nathanieli

Guitars: Ariel Aharon

Mix: Adi and Elia Nathanieli

Cover Design, Lyric Video and AI: Miri Tennanold – Media Productions

Public Relations: Mendy Koren

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