Chabad on Campus Provides Chizuk on All Fronts in Eretz Yisrael

As the war in Eretz Yisroel and on campus rages on, Rabbi Yossy Gordon, CEO of Chabad on Campus International, visited frontline bases and campus Chabad Houses in Eretz Yisrael to show support and provide chizuk

As the war in Israel and on campus rages on, Rabbi Yossy Gordon, CEO of Chabad on Campus International, visited frontline bases and campus Chabad Houses in Eretz Yisrael to show support and provide chizuk

“IDF soldiers are on the frontlines, may Hashem protect them! ” said Rabbi Gordon. “On a different front, Shluchim on campus are fighting a spiritual battle to secure the Jewish mind, heart, and soul, supporting students through this challenging time. The need for their relationship with their Shluchim is beneficial globally and even more so in Israel, where students are waging actual war until victory!”

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