Chabad Mohalim Gather for Their Own Kinus

Photos: Shalom Ross/

Mohalim from around the world gathered in Crown Heights on Sunday for an annual convention bringing together mohalimrabbonim and medical professionals.

By reporter
Photos: Shalom Ross/

Mohalim from around the world gathered in Crown Heights on Sunday for an annual convention bringing together mohalimrabbonim and medical professionals.

The annual Kinus Mohalim coincided with the International Kinus Hashluchim, utilizing its in-person venue amongst a worldwide network. 

The Kinus was jointly arranged by Rabbi Levi Heber, a mohel in Crown Heights and Director of the International Bris Association, and Rabbi Yochanan Klein, a mohel in South Florida and Director of Healing Hearts Bikur Cholim.

Rabbonim and medical professionals addressed the participating mohalim and kollel members. The gathering opened with a dvar malchus by Rabbi Shlomy Greenwald, Founder of Kollel L’horah Masis in Crown Heights, where the program was held.

Dr. Avraham Polinger, the Rofeh Yedid of the organization and a renowed pediatrician who advises and guides mohalim on medical conditions, addressed the mohalim on ways to diagnose and respond to common medical conditions that could impact the bris. 

Other speakers included Rabbi Dovid Banon, a mohel and dayan in the Lubavitch community of Montreal, as well as Dayan Rabbi Levi Raskin, the author of Nesivos Bisdey Hashluchim. 

The event concluded with Dr. Jeffrey Stock, Chief Pediatrician of Urology and Professor at Mount Sinai Children’s Hospital, who quoted the Rebbe, emphasizing that a small amount of light dispels much darkness. He discussed medical anomalies, and he commended mohalim on their exemplary work.

Additionally, he encouraged Lubavitcher Mohelim to utilize their communication skills to connect and build rapport with local medical professionals. Doing so promotes the necessity and ideal of a proper bris that is performed by a mohel, and not as a medical procedure alone. 

“May it be in the merit of strengthening the mitzvah of brisim that we usher in the ultimate redemption, speedily in our days,” the event organizers said.

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