Chabad Headquarters in Lakewood?

In connection with Tes Adar, the day the Frierdiker Rebbe arrived in America, we present a newspaper clipping from a month later that reports that the Frierdiker Rebbe will be moving to…Lakewood.

By reporter

In connection with Tes Adar, the day the Frierdiker Rebbe arrived in America, we present a newspaper clipping from a month later that reports that the Frierdiker Rebbe will be moving to…Lakewood.

The clipping is from Asbury Park Press on April 12, 1940 – Daled Nissan 5700, less than one month after the Frierdiker Rebbe arrived in America.

A copy of the clipping was given to by Rabbi Chaim Dalfin. More about the subject can be found in his book ‘Lakewood and Lubavitch’.

Asbury Park Press – April 12, 1940

Chabad Rabbi Schneerson Will Reside in Lakewood

(Special to The Press)

Rabbi Isaac Joseph Schneerson, spiritual leader of a worldwide religious movement known as Chabad, will make his home in Lakewood, arriving here on Tuesday afternoon in an entourage of 25 automobiles headed by a state police escort.

The religious movement was founded by his great-grandfather in Russia 170 years ago to preserve Jewish orthodoxy and has affiliated groups thruout (sic) the world,. including several in the United States. The Soviets sentenced him to be shot in 1920 but the late Sen. William E. Borah and others intervened. He was reprieved and exiled from the country.

During the past 12 years Rabin Schneerson lived in Otvotak, Poland, where his life was endangered during the German bombing of Warsaw. Thru the cooperation of the U. S. state department the German government permitted him to leave for the United States, where he arrived on March 19. At New York he was greeted by Investigation Commissioner Herlands, State Senator Kleinfeld and 500 American Rabbis.

Charles Paston offered Rabbi Schneerson his residence on Forest avenue, where he will establish his headquarters.

At a meeting of local Jewish leaders recently a committee, headed by Rabbi and Mrs. N. Waxman, was appointed to accompany Rabbi Schneerson from New York to Lakewood, Members of the committee are Jacob Jacobson, Isaac Willig, Charles Goldstein, Dr. Adolph Towbin, Menashe Rabinowitz. Victor Levin, Morton C. Steinberg and William W. Silverman, Lakewood, and David Abramowitz, Point Pleasant. Beach.


We appreciate your feedback. If you have any additional information to contribute to this article, it will be added below.

  1. 1) We know this from the diary printed in in the front of Sefer Hamaamarim 5700 and in the back of Sefer Hasichos 5700 — that the Frierdiker Rebbe was invited to Lakewood for Pesach.
    2) See also letter by R. Shmuel Levitin in Toldos Chabad B’Artzos Habris, p. 174, that the Lakewood house would be available whenever the Frierdiker Rebbe would want to come and rest, and it would be appropriate —
    בזמנים המוכשרים להיות בלייקוואוד, כי לא כל העיתים המקום הזה מוכשר לדור שם
    3) Seems that already back then there was “fake news” because as seen from the above, it’s wasn’t a permanent move, and was never meant to be to “make his home” there.
    Thank you.

  2. Hi there. I am Charles Paston’s great-great grandson, and live in Manhattan. Would love to speak with someone about this wonderful article. Charles was my mom’s grandfather and I am told was a very loving person. So happy to have come across this. All the best, Scott Sobol

    1. I am Charles Paston’s great granddaughter; I live in South Florida. Charles was my mother Elaines grandfather. What is your mom’s name Scott? I remember visiting him in NY/Lakewood as a child.

    2. I am researching Lakewood personalities of yesteryear and would like to learn more about Charles Paston. Please contact me at [email protected] if you can provide me with any information.

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