Chabad Continues to Bring Joy and Hope to the Gaza Envelope

Photos: Dovber Hechtman/

As the war in Gaza rages, and millions of Israelis are displaced from their homes, Chabad continues to bring hope and joy to the heroic IDF soldiers and residents of the south. Photographer Dovber Hechtman presents a gallery.

As the war in Gaza rages, and millions of Israelis are displaced from their homes, Chabad continues to bring hope and joy to the heroic IDF soldiers and residents of the south.

Photographer Dovber Hechtman took a tour of the Chabad activities in the Gaza envelope and captured a heartwarming gallery.

The day started at the site of the police station in Sderot, which was destroyed on October 7th. Today, the empty lot, with a towering menorah, stands as a memorial to the lives lost. From there, the group headed to the central Chabad house in Sderot headed by Rabbi Moshe Zeev Pizem. There, they got to see some of the many ways the shluchim are helping the local residents who remained in their homes, and the IDF soldiers heading to Gaza. They also viewed the damage left by a rocket fired by Hamas terrorists.

From there he joined the Chabad Mitzvah Tanks to visit the soldiers and offer them the chance to don tefillin. Accompanying them was Rabbi Moshe Assman of Ukraine who came from the Nahal Oz area and Moshav Bari to encourage the IDF soldiers with words of Torah.

They were later joined by Ezra Yachin, 95-year-old who is the oldest reservist in the IDF. Yachin is an Israeli writer, who fought in the Lehi movement before Israel’s independence, travels around the army bases to motivate the soldiers.

After a full day of activities, they joined a lavish BBQ for IDF soldiers thrown by members of the Chabad community in Netanya together with five families from New Jersey. They treated hundreds of soldiers, who had just come out of Gaza after weeks of fighting, to a full meal and drinks.

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