Artists Collaborate to Help Jewish Families in Israel

A group of Jewish artists, led by Sharone Goodman, have crafted an extraordinary piece of artwork of the Alef Beis with all of the proceeds going to the families of soldiers who are actively serving in the IDF.

In a fusion of creative force and communal spirit, a group of Jewish artists, led by Sharone Goodmanhave crafted an extraordinary piece of artwork that embodies the essence of our very reality. This collaboration, rooted in the Chassidic belief that the world is woven through the 22 letters of the Alef Beis, is a testament to the power of unity–with each letter painted by another artist coming together to create a stunning and colorful collage.

The artists are a diverse group, ranging from children to retirees, living on several continents. 

Available for a donation of $50 or more, this limited edition artwork (only 400 copies have been produced) serves a dual purpose—it’s an artistic treasure and a means to support families of Israeli soldiers.

Heeding the Rebbe’s call to give Maos Chittim, 100% of all proceeds will be channeled to provide financial aid to the families of soldiers who are actively serving in Israel’s defense forces.

The funds will be distributed through Mitzvah Opportunity, a well-regarded organization founded and run by Donny Fein of Ramat Beit Shemesh. 

Click here to procure your very own copy while helping Jewish families in a time of need.

List of participating artists:
א – Shimona Tzukernik – Brooklyn, NY
ב – Stacey Hunt – Chicago,IL
ת,כ,ג – Sharone Goodman – Chicago,IL
ד – Dovid Werbler – Miami, FL
צ,ה – Yehudis Blumberger – Chicago, IL
ו,ז – Menachem Goodman – Chicago, IL
ח – Chaya Batsheva Goodman – Chicago,IL
ט – Tuvia Lev Taback – Johannesburg, SA
י – Mendy Sheyrit – Chicago, IL
ל – Tsiona Adler – Chicago, IL
מ – Jacquelyn Knobloch – St. Louis, MO
נ – Shari Imbo – Chicago, IL
ס – Matti Gelfman – Milwaukee, WI
ע – Tiferet Chaya Taback – Johannesburg, SA
פ – Anat Michaelis – Tivon, Israel
ק – Issy Wilson – London, England
ר – Lauren Eisenberg Knobloch – St. Louis, MO
ש – Amy Gelfman – Milwaukee, WI

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  1. Hi,
    I ordered this artwork on 4/19 but haven’t received anything. How long will it be until
    I receive it? Thank you!

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