CGI Hakhel Makes History in the UK

650 children from 7 camps from NW London proudly wearing their respective CGI t-shirts, came together in unity for a mega Hakhel event. Just as the event began, the sun miraculously came out, shining on the beautiful gathering.

It was a sight to see, as over 650 children, proudly wearing their respective CGI t-shirts, came together in unity for a mega Hakhel event. The sun miraculously came out, shining on the beautiful gathering of 7 camps from NW London as they enjoyed the powerful program.

Ably led by Rabbi Ephraim Carlebach of Chabad Greenwich, the children were welcomed and inspired by the special opportunity of Hakhel. Representatives from each camp recited the 12 Pessukim with chayus and pride, and a penny for Tzedaka was given by each child.

The highlight of the event was the exciting BMX stunt show that the boys and girls were treated to. The excitement was palpable as they watched bikes fly in the air and somersault on high ramps.

Beautiful Brachos rang out in the field, as each child enjoyed a specially prepared delicious snack bag. The children returned to their camps wearing a big Hakhel sticker, feeling uplifted and empowered.

This spectacular event was initiated, coordinated and hosted by Rabbi & Mrs Zalman Sudak of Lubavitch of Edgware. Participating camps were CGI Edgware Boys, CGI Edgware Girls, CGI Finchley, CGI Golders Green, CGI Israeli Centre, CGI NW6 and Camp Juda Bushey.

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