Celebration in Russia’s Capital: New Rabbis Ordained in Moscow

A new group of students received their semicha after being examined by Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar. They will go out to serve as rabbis, mashgichim, teachers, and shluchim in Russian cities.

The good news was received with great joy by Jewish communities throughout Russia: Another group of students successfully passed their rabbinical exams on Issur and Heter in Halacha, and will now be joining over one hundred of Moscow Yeshiva’s alumnae who serve as rabbis, mashgichim, teachers, and shluchim, assisting Jews throughout Russia in all Jewish matters.

The students of Moscow’s Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim, which is located in the suburbs near Sofrino, spent many hours diligently completing the semicha program in addition to the regular curriculum. Under the dedicated guidance of Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Menachem Mendel Goldberg, and director of semicha studies Rabbi Dovid Rozentzweig, these dear bochrim – many of who have left behind material comforts, – reached new heights in Torah, Halacha and Chassidus.

After a series of both oral and written exams, they reached the final stage: an hours-long examination by the Yeshiva’s founder, Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar, who couldn’t hide his great satisfaction from the students’ excellent knowledge of the material. The Yeshiva’s good name has been known for years with Rabbis and Shluchim from various cities sending their suitable young men to study in Moscow’s Tomchei Tmimim, where they receive the highest level of education.

Upon completion of the exams, the excited students received their diplomas, and then immediately returned to study in the Yeshiva compound, which is outside of the city, far from the hustle and distractions, where they can apply themselves seriously to learning in peace and quiet. On Fridays and during holidays, the bochrim travel to nearby cities and towns which do not yet have a Rabbi, and help the local Jews to properly observe Jewish laws.

Photography: S. Ashkenazi

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