Car Explodes at ‘Rainbow Bridge’ U.S.-Canada Border

Updated: A car exploding on Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls, NY, early Wednesday afternoon left at least two people inside the vehicle dead and has shut down all border crossings between the U.S. and Canada.

A car exploding on Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls, NY, early Wednesday afternoon left at least two people inside the vehicle dead and has shut down all border crossings between the U.S. and Canada. Additionally, at least 1 Border Patrol agent was injured in the explosion, though his condition is not yet known.

It appears the vehicle was heading in the direction of Canada when it turned around on the Rainbow Bridge and detonated. Additionally, authorities are reportedly searching for a potential second explosive device.

All bridges were closed in the area, and all government buildings were evacuated, according to sources. Fox News’ Alexis McAdams was told by sources that the explosion was so big and fierce, that authorities first thought it was a terrorist attack.

The FBI’s Buffalo Field Office released a brief statement saying that it is “investigating a vehicle explosion at the Rainbow Bridge, a border crossing between the U.S. and Canada in Niagara Falls.”

“As this situation is very fluid, that’s all we can say at this time,” the statement added.

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul said she has been briefed on the situation and is closely monitoring the situation.

“At my direction, New York State Police is actively working with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force to monitor all points of entry to New York,” Hochul wrote on X. “I am traveling to Buffalo to meet with law enforcement and emergency responders and will update New Yorkers when more information becomes available.”

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