Canceled Book Fair Leads to Reprinting of Childhood Classic

When Morah Margie Denburg of Lubavitch Hebrew Academy in Margate, Florida, realized that this Hey Teves the traditional Book Fair wouldn’t be feasible, she decided to reprint a childhood classic and give it to each student.

The Celebration of Hey Teves places a prime importance on Seforim. Printing, buying and learning new and old seforim for all ages and levels. 

Morah Margie Denburg, the program director at Lubavitch Hebrew Academy in Margate Florida started thinking about Hey Teves over a month ago when it became clear that due to Covid-19 the traditional Book Fair wouldn’t be feasible.

Instead, she thought how else could she give the students a sefer, with the Rebbe’s Torah suited for children?

The answer that came to her from her childhood was a classic, “Please Tell Me What The Rebbe Said” By Mrs. Malka Touger. However, it is out of print and has been for many years.

After speaking with Mrs. Touger the school reached out to Rabbi Shmuly Avtzon of Sichos In English who was tremendously excited by the idea to reprint a special edition of the sefer in honor of Hey Teves.

However, there still remained some more obstacles to obtain the art files and recreate the book faithfully to the original.

Thanks to several donors who stepped forward and the tireless efforts of Mrs. Chaya Benjaminson of Shluchim Services, this vision became a reality. Monday morning Vov Teves the books arrived from the printer and by the afternoon every student and staff member at LHA received their very own special edition.

The feedback from parents has been incredible as many remember growing up with this volume and are excited to once again see it on the shelves in their homes.

Additionally, as Rabbi Avtzon shared with Rabbi Denburg, this could hopefully inspire other Mosdos to sponsor and reprint other classics that aren’t currently available… until the world will be filled with the knowledge of Hashem, Kamayim layam michasim!

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