Canadian Wildfires Cause Dangerous Smog in NYC

Canadian wildfires have created dangerous air quality conditions in New York City. Officials are urging residents to limit outdoor activities

The National Weather Service has issued an Air Quality Alert for New York City and parts of the Tri-State area. Health officials are urging area residents to limit outdoor activities on Wednesday.

Smoke from hundreds of wildfires burning in Canada is creating create dangerous air quality conditions across New York City and the Tri-State.

Mayor Eric Adams called the Air Quality Alert an, “unprecedented event in our city and New Yorkers must take precautions.” On Tuesday, New York City topped the list of the world’s worst air pollution.

The smoke is making for potentially dangerous conditions, especially for people with respiratory issues. Exposure to elevated fine particle pollution levels can affect the lungs and heart.

Smoke from Canada’s wildfires has been moving into the United States since last month. The most recent fires near Quebec have been burning for at least several days.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said hazy skies, reduced visibility and the odor of burning wood are likely, and that the smoke will linger for a few days in northern states.

“New York State experts are monitoring our air quality every day to ensure New Yorkers have the latest information about current air quality in their communities and what they can do to protect themselves,” Gov. Kathy Hochul said in a statement.

The Quebec-area fires are big and relatively close, about 500 to 600 miles (roughly 800 to 970 kilometers) away from Rhode Island. And they followed wildfires in Nova Scotia, which resulted in a short-lived air quality alert on May 30, Austin said.

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  1. From Hayom Yom:…..s.htm

    A person’s life depends upon the air around him: without air one cannot live. Moreover, the kind of air in which one lives determines the quality of one’s life. When a person lives in an atmosphere of Torah and mitzvos, his life is healthy. When he lives in an atmosphere that denies G‑d, his life is sickly and he is under constant risk of contagion.

    The first, comprehensive remedy is to purify the air, and this is the responsibility of those who are educated in Torah studies. It is the letters of Torah that purify the air. When a person verbalizes words of the Torah while standing in the store, walking down the street, or riding the subway, he purifies the air. Whoever is familiar with Torah learning must have something on call that he has learned by heart, be it Chumash, Tehillim, Mishnayos, or Tanya. This will enable him to review the holy words of the Torah — mentally and verbally — at any time and in every place.

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