Watch: Recently Kollel Anash of Crown Heights hosted a shiur by Rabbi Gedalia Oberlander of Monsey on the halachic reasons behind the prohibition of washing oneself in hot water on Yom Tov.
Recently Kollel Anash of Crown Heights hosted a shiur by Rabbi Gedalia Oberlander of Monsey on the halachic reasons behind the prohibition of washing oneself in hot water on Yom Tov. Rabbi Oberlander is the Rov of Heichal Menachem Monsey and a member of Vaad Rabbonei Lubavitch.
In a clear and organized manner, Rabbi Oberlander laid down the underlying issues behind Chazal’s prohibition of bathing in hot water heated up on Yom Tov or Erev Yom Tov. He explained how these reasons are still current in today’s day and age. He also pointed out that this prohibition only applies to bathing or showering in hot water on Yom Tov; however, showering in cold water would be permitted.
For the past ten years, Kollel Anash has been dedicated to assisting young married men master the laws of Taharas Hamishpachah and Shabbos. The halachos are studied in depth; from the sources in Gemara and Rishonim all the way down to halacha lemaaseh. The Kollel has recently added a unique three-year track for studying the halachos of Choshen Mishpat.
The kollel is located at Congregation Anash 770 Montgomery Street and is under the leadership of Rabbi Michoel Lerner. The Kollel was founded and is sponsored by Rabbi Dovid Fischer, Rov of Congregation Anash.
Watch Rabbi Oberlander’s shiur here:
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