Campers Travel from Hawaii for New York Shabbaton

25 former L’man Achai campers, some from as far as Hawaii and California, joined together for an extended weekend in New York to reconnect with their summer friends and staff.

25 former L’man Achai campers, some from as far as Hawaii and California, joined together for an extended weekend in New York to reconnect with their summer friends and staff.

For many of the campers, the Shabbaton is the only other time during the year, aside from camp, to hang out with other Jewish teens.

The campers spent Thursday in Crown Heights, visiting 770 and the many local attractions. They then headed to Tannersville, where they had an amazing Shabbos, followed by Sunday on the slopes.

“It was an amazing time to reconnect with people who I had gotten so close to at camp,” said Gabriel Stockwell, a camper from California. “It was really nice to be with Jewish teens since there aren’t many Jewish teens where I live.”

“The energy was amazing,” organizers told “Thanks to the Shabbaton, many of them plan on joining the teens program at camp again this summer.”

Thank you to all the staff that joined and made it happen specifically teens division head counselor Daniel Namdar,” they said.

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