Camper Traveled from South Carolina to Join Shabbaton

Camp L’man Achai’s first Shabbaton of the year took place this past Shabbos Bereshis in Crown Heights. Over twenty campers joined from as far as Maryland and South Carolina.

Camp L’man Achai’s first Shabbaton of the year took place this past Shabbos Bereshis in Crown Heights. Over twenty campers joined from as far as Maryland and South Carolina.

The fun started on Friday with a tour of the Rebbe’s Library, ice cream, and donuts. On Friday night, the campers and staff davened together bringing the Camp L’man Achai spirit and energy to 770. Next, they were off to a grand Shabbos meal, joined by many of the dedicated camp staff. The campers shared camp memories and how they’ve grown since the summer, they heard stories and sang camp songs until late into the night.

Shabbos morning, they joined for some Tehilim in 770, followed by a delicious breakfast, and then headed to Oholei Torah for a camp-style davening.

The campers played some sports then split into groups for the Shabbos meal, followed by a grand farbrengen.

Motzei Shabbos they embarked on a fantastic trip, which included zip lining, rope courses, rock climbing, roller skating, and more. The Shabbaton ended with a melave malka pizza party.

The campers were thrilled to participate and get a boost in their Jewish pride! “Shabbos was a blast and I’m so happy I joined,” said one of the campers as he was heading home.

We would like to thank all those who hosted meals, farbrengens, and places to sleep. A special thanks to Meir Levy and Asher Miller and all the camp staff who put in much effort to make the Shabbaton such a success.

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  1. Hi this is meir levy the L’man Achai shabbton coordinator, So BH this past shabaton Was a huge success, And we hope to make many more, But the hardest part of arranging shabbatons Are finding places for campers to sleep, and fundraising, So if you Would like to host or donate please reach out to meir levy @ 9292714025

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