Camp Yeka Counselors Make 3-Day Trip into War-Torn Ukraine

Yeka boys counselors daven at the Ohel as they embark on a 72-hour journey into Ukraine to make the Rebbe’s camp happen for 120 children stuck in cities affected by war.

Yeka boys counselors daven at the Ohel as they embark on a 72-hour journey into Ukraine to make the Rebbe’s camp happen for 120 children stuck in cities affected by war.

Each year Camp Yeka turns into a home for Jewish boys from disadvantaged and poverty-stricken backgrounds in Ukraine. Many of the children are orphaned or come from abusive homes.

For 2 weeks over 100 underprivileged Jewish Ukrainian children will have the opportunity to forget about all their worries and troubles and enjoy being in an environment filled with fun, warmth, love and care. Providing the ultimate Jewish summer experience. 

Your show of support and generosity can all the difference in giving the boys the gift of summer!


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