Camp Staff Were Very Busy During Their Free Time

Over 200 staff members from 7 Chabad overnight camps across North America participated in the “Staff Mivtza Torah” which motivated them to learn all of Masechta Makkos over the summer, as well as a sicha and maamar each week.

The widely acclaimed “Staff Mivtza Torah” was completed this summer with a smashing success, wildly exceeding all expectations. More than 200 staff members from 7 Chabad overnight camps across North America participated in the program.

Many bochurim expressed their appreciation for the Mivtza, crediting it with keeping them to a steady learning regimen throughout the summer. “One of the worries I had coming into the summer was that I wouldn’t be able to continue the kvius from Yeshiva,” explained Eliezer G. “Thanks to Mivtza Torah, I ended up having a kvius in learning almost every single day.”

“My daily learning during camp was very strong, thanks to the Mivtza. Even better than Yeshiva, in some ways!” remarked another staff member. Camp directors, as well as hanhalos, are also among the grateful beneficiaries of the program, praising the initiative for addressing a significant need.

The participants in the mivtza completed the entire Maseches Makkos over the summer, as well as learning a sicha and maamar each week. Many camps incorporated a nightly staff seder into the schedule, greatly enhancing the structure by increasing the camaraderie among friends. Some camps even took the extra step of hiring a dedicated Maggid Shiur to help the bochurim keep up to schedule!

Thanks to a generous grant, l’ilui nishmas R’ Moshe Kotlarsky, every participant received a subsidized Artscroll or Mesivta Gemara to help them along.

At the end of the summer, every bochur who successfully completed the Mivtza received a $100 prize, and there were also several raffles on valuable sets of the seforim, as well as a dollar from the Rebbe!

The raffle winners are:
Set of Likutei Diburim – Moshe Hirsch
Set of Sefer HaSichos Frierdiker Rebbe – Mendel Rubashkin
Set of Sefer Hasichos of the Rebbe – Hillel Levinson
Dollar of the Rebbe – Yosef Rubin

Boruch Hashem, the Mivtza turned out to be wildly successful, a big thank you goes to the donors for sponsoring the prizes. The organizers are already looking forward to even bigger and better prospects for the upcoming summer!

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