Camp L’man Achai Starts Off Second Session With A Bang

Camp L’man Achai, the camp that was started as a place where shluchim can send their mekuravim’s kids has been successfully running and growing tremendously each year.

Camp L’man Achai’s second session started this past Tuesday with a bang. Greeting 50 new campers from California, South Carolina, Ottawa, and as far away as France. The campers all got right into the camp spirit with fun activities and programs.

On Wednesday, the campers loaded coach buses for an epic trip to a water park. On the buses, the kids enjoyed watching the “Itche Kadoozy” shows. All the campers loved it. At the water park, they were joined by many other Jewish camps for hours of water fun! One of the campers was heard saying “Wow, so many Jews! I’ve never seen so many in my life”. All the campers had an incredible time.

The next day continued with all the fun at camp. Sports, archery, survival, and a chance to jump into camps lake from the 15ft inflatable slide. Some of the campers took an excursion to a local waterfall for a thrilling outing.

We were so excited to have Rabbi Levi and Sarah Shemtov join us for Shabbos. As Shluchim to Riverdale, NY they have sent many boys from their community to camp over the past 15 years. They were thrilled to see firsthand the amazing spirit of Camp L’man Achai in action, bringing back personal regards to the five families who sent their children to camp this summer! Rabbi Shemtov farbrenged with the campers and staff throughout Shabbos and brought an extra chayus to the already amazing spirit at camp.

On Sunday, the campers went on an amazing overnight. From collecting wood, singing around a bonfire, and enjoying stories, it was another wonderful opportunity to make memories, create meaningful friendships, and enjoy Hashem’s world, which is exactly what camp is all about!

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    1. they also have a yeshiva high school in Queens, Midrash L’man Achai. A Jewish Russian Library in Boro Park, Brooklyn, and make various programs throughout the year; Shabbatons, program to help provide tefillin for bar mitzvah boys etc. Great org. Dedicated fellows

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