Camp Emunah’s Bas Mitzvah Program Pledges to Expand

Last year in memory of Rebbetzin Chave Hecht Camp Emunah created a new camp called Bnos Chave, geared to Bas Mitzvah-aged girls. This year, Camp Emunah is committed to expanding the program and making more beds available to all girls that need a place.

Friday, the 6th of Teves marks the end of saying the Kaddish for Reb Chave Hecht, OBM. Last year, in the week of shiva, Camp Emunah created a new camp called Bnos Chave, geared to Bas Mitzvah-aged girls.

The camp was a huge success. Camp Bnos Chave offers girls leaving 6h grade, in their Bas Mitzvah year, a special and exclusive program that focuses on their unique role as a young Bas Mitzvah girl.

The exclusivity of the program, trips, and ruchnius are unparalleled to anything offered to girls of this age. The girls enjoyed newly renovated bunks houses that were completed just in time for their arrival.

“The camp is truly fitting to be named after the queen and leader of all Jewish camping,” said Sara Hodakov, coordinator of the program.

Camp Bnos Chave, BMC was also the host of Camp Emunah’s annual Challah bake. This year, Camp Emunah is committed to expanding the program and making more beds available to all girls that need a place.

Dates of the camp, July 25 / 7th of Av – August 21st / Daled Elul

Registration opens this Sunday, January 1st, the 8th of Teves, at 7 pm for returning campers and 9:30 pm for new campers.


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