Busloads Travel to Haditch for Alter Rebbe’s Birthday

Hundreds of Yidden visited the Ohel of the Alter Rebbe in Haditch, Ukraine, to mark the birthday of the two great luminaries of Chassidus, the Alter Rebbe and Baal Shem Tov on Chai Elul.

Hundreds of Yidden visited the Ohel of the Alter Rebbe in Haditch, Ukraine, to mark the birthday of the two great luminaries of Chassidus, the Alter Rebbe and Baal Shem Tov on Chai Elul.

The guest received a warm welcome from shliach Rabbi Shneur Zalman Deitch, who oversees Kiryat Rabeinu Hagadol year-round.

Most of the visitors came in organized groups from the cities of Dnieper, Kharkiv, Poltava, Kyiv and other areas.

“I am happy that, despite the war, the Alter Rebbe’s Ohel was full of visitors,” Rabbi Deitch said. “The journey here was challenging for everyone who came, in light of the war, but people did not want to give up the opportunity to visit the Ohel on this holy day.”

Anyone who wants to send their names for prayer at the Ohel should send an email to [email protected] and Rabbi Deitch will mention the names at the Alter Rebbe’s tziyun on this auspicious day.

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