Business and Halacha Expert Delivers Shiur in Crown Heights

Rabbi Moshe Bochnerdayan in the Business Halacha Institute, delivered a guest shiur at the Sunday morning Kollel in Lefferts Shul this past Sunday, addressing practical topics in hashavas aveida

By reporter

This past Sunday, the Sunday morning Kollel in Lefferts Shul this week hosted a special guest shiur, led by an expert in topics of business and halacha.

Every week, over 20 members of Anash gather to listen to a Halacha shiur in Lefferts shul and enjoy a light brunch. A different guest speaker is invited every week, and a thought-provoking and relevant topic is chosen.

This Sunday, the shiur was delivered by Rabbi Moshe Bochner, dayan in the Business Halacha Institute. Rabbi Bochner is an expert in topics of Choshen Mishpat, which addresses many topics in business and monetary concepts.

The shiur addressed topics in hashavas aveida. Topics included switching coats in shul, borrowing someone’s umbrella, keeping an object found in the park, and other relevant and practical questions.

Attendees say they really enjoyed the shiur, which addressed a topic which is extremely relevant, but is rarely learned. One attendee even said he finally found out the answer to a question that had been bothering him for a long while – what do do with a collection of lost items he had found in his car when Pesach cleaning.

To read more about the Lefferts Shul Kollel, click here.

AUDIO: Practical Halachos of Hashavos Aveida


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