Buffalo Anash Offer Meaningful Yud Alef Nissan Gift

As a gift to the Rebbe in honor of Yud Alef Nissan, the Chabad community of Buffalo, New York, published a booklet of chiddushei Torah written by locals, with more than 100 pages!

the Chabad community of Buffalo, New York, published a booklet of chiddushei Torah written by locals, with more than 100 pages!

The booklet was published as a gift to the Rebbe in honor of Yud Alef Nissan and Shnas Hakhel. It contains chiddushei Torah in Hebrew and English.

This year, many additional members of Anash in Buffalo made the effort to submit their Chidushim, in theme with the Hakhel Year and special emphasis on increasing in Torah study “ולמען ילמדו” unified in one booklet.

Click here to download the English section.

Click here to download the Hebrew section.

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