Brunoy Yeshiva Full to Capacity for New Year

Hanhala was on hand to welcome the hundreds of bochurim who were arriving at the Brunoy Yeshiva to start their new year of learning. 

Hundreds of bochurim from around the world poured into the Brunoy yeshiva to begin their new year of studies.

The renowned yeshiva is bursting at its seams, with the zal and dorms filled to capacity.

Bochurim from Shiur Alef Mesivta arrived with their parents, and were welcomed by menahel of Shiur Alef Rabbi Shmuel Brodovitch. Shiur Beis and Gimmel were welcomed by menahel Rabbi Yoel Edelman.

Bochurim who were arriving to study in zal were welcomed by Rabbi Zalman Segal and menahel Rabbi Itche Nemenov.

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