Brunoy Yeshiva Celebrates 40th Siyum Harambam

The bochurim and staff of the Brunoy Yeshiva gathered for a festive event marking the 40th Siyum Harambam, addressed by Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Yechiel Kelmenson, hanhala members, and guest speaker Rabbi Zalman Landau of Eretz Yisroel.

Over 350 bochurim of the Brunoy Yeshiva gathered with the Yeshiva’s staff and members of the local Chabad community for a festive event marking the 40th Siyum Harambam this week.

The Siyum was arranged by the Bochurim Shluchim, who worked to ensure the beautiful event would be a proper tribute to the 40 completion of the Rambam’s magnum opus.

The siyum began with an address by hatomim Avrohom Yitzchok Glazman, who chazered a sicha of the Rebbe. Following him was Dayan Levi Yitzchok Kahn, who made the Siyum, and then said a lengthy pilpul on an explanation of the Rebbe in the words of the Rambam. Guest speaker Rabbi Zalman Landau from Eretz Yisroel began the 41st cycle of Rambam.

Next to speak was Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Yechiel Kalmenson, followed by Paris Shliach Rabbi Elchonon Dov Marozov, an alumni of the Yeshiva. Both delivered pilpulim on the Rambam, with the crowd hanging on to every word.

Thanks were given to the Bochurim Shluchim, who dedicate themselves to the bochurim spiritual welbbeing throughout the year, and had put in many hours to organize the siyum as well.

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