Brunoy Welcomes 350 Bochurim for New Year

Following months of alternative learning arrangements due to Covid-19, bochurim in Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim Brunoy, eagerly returned to the walls of their Yeshiva will great excitement for the new year.

Following months of alternative learning arrangements due to Covid-19, bochurim in Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim Brunoy, the oldest and largest Chabad Yeshiva in Europe, and one of the largest in the world, eagerly returned to the walls of their Yeshiva will great excitement for the new year.

During the past few months, in-person yeshiva study was not allowed due to the corona, and yeshiva studies moved to Zoom.

The yeshiva management took advantage of the only time that the building was empty, and immediately undertook a large renovation project. The entire dormitory underwent a complete overhaul and renovation.

The Yeshiva’s director Rabbi Mendel Gurevitch, supervised the work closely and took great care that everything would be befitting a Yeshiva building which was built with the Rebbe’s blessings.

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