Boys Will Do Anything Not to Miss Minchas Chinuch Shiur

Every Wednesday evening, the eighth grade boys of Cheder Chabad of Monsey gather for an after-hours shiur in Minchas Chinuch. The boys enjoy the shiur so much, that some sleep over at friends so as not to miss it.

Every Wednesday evening, 8th grade Talmidim from Cheder Chabad of Monsey gather for an after-hours optional Minchas Chinuch shiur.

The shiur is given by Rabbi Sender Lustig, the menahel of the Monsey Mesivta who explains with much clarity and depth.

After finishing to learn a mitzvah from the Minchas Chinuch, the boys take a written test and those that do well are rewarded with a trip.

The shiur has become so popular that Talmidim on Shlichus who live out of town sleep over at friends’ homes so as not to miss the shiur.

As the year progresses they will be tested by leading roshei yeshiva and each talmid will receive their own set of Minchas Chinuch.

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