Boys Receive Their First Siddur at Elaborate ‘Siddur Party’

Photos: Avraham Elkabets/

The Pre1A class of Cheder Ohr Menachem celebrated their Siddur Party on Monday, starting with davening their first tefillah near the Rebbe’s room, and continuing with a celebration in Oholei Torah Ballroom.

Photos: Avraham Elkabets/

The Pre1A class of Cheder Ohr Menachem celebrated their Siddur Party on Monday, starting with davening their first tefillah near the Rebbe’s room, and continuing with a celebration in Oholei Torah Ballroom.

There was loads of excitement felt in Pre1Alef of ‘Cheder Ohr Menachem’ leading up to this very joyous day. From the beginning of the year, talmidim mastered Kriah – the foundation of all Limud HaTorah, with their dedicated melamed Rabbi Yitzchok Fuchs.

Following much preparation with their dedicated melamdim Rabbi Rafoel Filler and Reb Elchonon Zucker, the talmidim were finally ready for their big day.

This special day began with a farbrengen hachana with the Menahel Rabbi Menachem Yusewitz before their first tefilla in their new siddur in Gan Eden Hatachton, near the Rebbe‘s holy room at 770 Eastern Parkway. The tefilla was followed by joyous dancing in 770’s main shul and then to the special ceremony in the Grand Ballroom of Oholei Torah.

Greeting the parents was Rabbi Zalman Goldstein who emceed the ‘Mesibas Siddur’ event. The Yinglach received a special brocha on behalf of the Badatz from Rabbi Yosef Braun, himself a proud parent, and from a member of the school’s vaad haruchni Rabbi Berel Lipskar.

Next to speak was Rabbi Levi Liberow the Rebbe’s Shliach to Flatbush, representing the parents. The children then received Birkas Kohanim from the Menahel Hamosdos Rabbi Menachem Mendel Hakohen Hendel followed by singing and dancing. Each boy then received their very own siddur and a piece of a specially made cake from their melamed.

“A special Yasher Koach to the vice principal Rabbi Yossef Overlander and the Frishman Family for making this event possible,” organizers said.

“The talmidim came out of the event eagerly looking forward to a lifelong journey of limud hatorah with the strong foundations of yiras shamayim,” Rabbi Yusewitz told “They are already davening and storming the heavens to bring the hisgalus of the Rebbe now!”

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  1. מזל טוב לכל הילדים !! איזה אירוע יפה ומושקע! קבלתי הרבה נחת מהנכד שלי היום! תודה על התמונות היפות! לומדים תפילה מתוך אהבה ורגש חסידי ! ישר כח לכל המלמדים גם!

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