Boys Arrive in Crown Heights for International Chidon

Photos: David Katash/

Hundreds of boys from across the world who are part of the Chidon’s ‘Kol Hatorah Kula’ track gathered at the Jewish Children’s Museum in Crown Heights for the start of a three-day Chidon experience in New York.

By reporter
Photos: David Katash/

Thousands of children from many different backgrounds united with one common goal – to learn all 613 Mitzvos, through studying for the Chidon. With their study, the children are truly preparing for the arrival of Moshiach when we will all be able to keep all 613 Mitzvos.

On Sunday night, boys from across the world who are part of the Chidon’s ‘Kol Hatorah Kula’ track gathered at the Jewish Children’s Museum in Crown Heights for the start of a three-day Chidon experience in New York, where they heard from Rabbi Shimmy Weinbaum, director of the International Chidon Sefer Hamitvzos.

The Kol Hatorah Kula trip is for boys who had participated in Chidon for the past 4 years, completing all 613 mitzvos. As a reward, the boys are coming to New York to enjoy a full 3-day program of trips, visits to 770, the Ohel, and other locations.


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