Boro Park Melave Malka Will Continue Quarter-Century Tradition

Hundreds of Yidden from across Boro Park will gather this Motzei Shabbos for Heichel Menachem’s 25th annual Melave Malka, for an evening of inspiration and to be strengthened in the learning of the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov and of Chassidus Chabad.

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As Yud Tes Kislev approaches, excitement mounts as Heichel Menachem of Boro Park prepares for its 25th annual Melave Malka. Hundreds of Chassidim from across Boro Park will gather in Ohr Hachaim Viznitz Hall on Motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayishlach, for an evening of inspiration and to be strengthened in the learning of the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov and of Chassidus Chabad.

Since the Melave Malka’s inception in 5757, world-renowned Mashpi’im and Rabbonim from within and outside of Chabad have attended and spoken at the annual event. Rav Yoel Kahn z”l would address the crowd and lead a farbrengen following bentching, that would last deep into the night.

Participants also drew inspiration from Rav Yisroel Friedman, Rav Moshe Landau; Rav of Bnei Brak, Rav Yosef Weinberg, Rav Leibel Groner, Rav Binyomin Klein, Rav Fishel Hershkowitz; Klausenberger Dayan, the Margaretener Rav, Mattersdorfer Rav and Rav Don Yoel Levy z”l; giants in Limud HaChassidus and in Darkei HaChassidus, whose absence is now keenly felt.

Yblch”t, other Rabbanim include, Rav Moshe Wolfson, Rav Yosef Heller, Rav Gavriel Zinner, Rav Chaim Leib Katz; Saderheler Rav, Rav Tzvi Halpern; Viener Dayan of Boro Park, Rav Leibel Schapiro, Rav Ezra Schochet and many others shlit”a.

The annual event attracts between 1,000 and 1,500 people in the neighborhood, and is focuses on being mechazek participants in the learning of Chassidus for the entire year. This is especially significant as Heichel Menachem prepares to launch Bais Reb Yoel, where people will be able to come at any time, to learn from all Sifrei Chassidus, BS”D.

This year, Rav Leibel Altein, Yosheiv Rosh of Heichel Menachem will address the crowd, followed by special guest speakers, Rav Yitzchak Issac Landau of Bnei Brak who will also lead a farbrengen after bentching, as well as Rav Avraham Chaim Steinwurtzel; Rav of Mateh Efraim and Rosh Yeshivas Shaarei Yosher.

One of the highlights of the yearly Melave Malka is a video from the Rebbe’s farbrengen that is specially selected by Heichel Menachem for the event. In the video prepared for this year, the Rebbe addresses the question of how one can serve Hashem with joy, even in difficult times.

There’s something very special in the air,” Rabbi Yisroel Stern told “This night is about being inspired in Inyanei Chassidus, and is mechazek people in their learning of Chassidus. People come every year, they don’t want to miss out on this atmosphere.”

As the night winds down, Yidden from many walks of life, link arms and join in dance, accompanied by niggunim by Yossi Cohen and his Kappelle, filling a thirst and a quest with strengthened resolutions, on this Rosh Hashana of Chassidus.

Since the first Melave Malka held 26 years ago, this idea has spread across the globe. Today, Farbrengens such as this one are taking place in Eretz Yisroel, Antwerp, London, Monsey, Lakewood and many other locations.

This year, for the first time ever, those who are unable to attend in person will be able to watch the farbrengen as it is streamed live on

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