‘Bodies and Souls’ Shavuos Edition Now in Stores

The Bodies and Souls Shavuos/summer edition is now available, with thought provoking and reflective articles, and gorgeous genuine artwork.

Bodies and Souls has a special gift in stock for Jewish women throughout the world! Its Shavuos/summer edition is ready, with thought provoking and reflective articles, and gorgeous genuine artwork.

“We have some of our favourite returning authors in this digest,” explains Sara Loewenthal, co-producer. “We asked them to share more of their lives and thoughts with us, because our readers just love what they have to say. These are women who are authentic, Torah based voices in our communities, women like Chavie Bruk, Rivka Goldstein, Zeesha Brownstein, and more!”

“Our digest is unlike other frum publications,” says Rivky, “because our digest is designed for self reflection, for betterment, and for health information (on every level). We believe women who read our digest come away uplifted and inspired to continue doing the incredibly important work they do.”

To order your copy now, please visit Bodiessouls.com/ytdigest. The digest will also hit the Kosher grocery stores in CH soon. For more information, please email [email protected].

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