Bochur’s Completion Of Likkutei Sichos Celebrated

A grand siyum and celebration took place in the mesivta of Coral Springs, Florida in honor of the completion of the entire Likkutei Sichos by Avremel Weingarten, a seven-and-a-half-year project. 

On Sunday, Chof Beis Sivan, a grand siyum and celebration took place in the mesivta of Coral Springs, Florida in honor of the completion of the entire Likkutei Sichos by Avremel Weingarten, an elter bochur in yeshiva, a seven and a half year project. 

Six bochurim Mendel Eizokowitz, Mendel Amitai, Dovid Wolfson Mordechai Katz, Levi Ciment, and Menachem Scheinberger also celebrated a siyum on the first 3 volumes of Likkutei Sichos.

Participants heard words of inspiration in connection to learning the Rebbe’s Torah in general and particularly the Rebbe’s Likkutei Sichos which the Rebbe invested much of his time and effort to publish for his Chassidim. 

A number of other bochurim were inspired to take upon themselves hachlatos to start or continue their study of the Likkutei Sichos.

Speakers included Rabbi Yosef Eizicovics, menhael of the yeshiva, Rabbi Chaim Dovid Janowsky, Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Aryeh Shechter mashpia in Yeshiva, and Rabbi Yisroel Weingarten shliach in Flint, MI.  

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