Bochurim Receive Front Lines Training To Bring Pesach To The World

Over 800 bochurim heading on Merkos Shlichus participated in a Yom Iyun with workshops covering halachic queries and Seder tips to help them maximize the experience of those who attend.

With Pesach around the corner, 800 Yeshiva Students heading on Merkos Shlichus participated in a Yom Iyun to gain guidance from veteran Shluchim. Workshops covered halachic queries and Seder tips to help them maximize the experience of those who attend.

Throughout the coming week, airports worldwide will see duos of black-hatted Chabad Yeshiva students traversing the globe to bring Pesach to tens of thousands worldwide. With the tragedy of October 7th, and the recent attacks, many more Jews want to express their Judaism and learn more about it. Shluchim have been absorbing an influx of participation in their Sedarim and Pesach programming. The Bochurim heading out seek to match that excitement and give them a uniquely meaningful Pesach.

“The Rebbe entrusted us with the responsibility to ensure that every Jew should be able to experience an authentic Pesach,” says Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice-Chairman of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch and appointed by the Rebbe to oversee and expand the Merkos Shlichus program, “What these students represent is that it is worth traveling to the farthest corners of the world even for just one individual to fulfill a Mitzvah. We in turn can definitely reach out to our coworkers and friends to ensure they celebrate as well.”

In preparation for this critical assignment, Merkos hosted a Yom Iyun to give these Bochurim the tools, ideas, and inspiration to maximize their abilities. In each area of leading a communal Pesach experience, the Bochurim were supplied with information from seasoned veterans in each field, giving them renewed confidence for this task.

The event began with Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, who shared messages of guidance his father, Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, received from the Rebbe regarding Merkos Shlichus. He reminded them of how invested the Rebbe was in Merkos Shlichus, with countless examples including the first year of the initiative when the Rebbe personally gave dollars and a Michtav Klali to each group. He also shared how it was clear the Rebbe read all the details of the reports that the bochurim sent in.

Rabbi Chaim Shapiro then addressed practical Halachic questions that may arise while running a seder. Questions like starting a seder early or what to do if someone can’t drink wine or grape juice were some of the questions addressed by Rabbi Shapiro.

Next, Rabbi Moshe Rapaport of Mequon, Wisconsin, guided the bochurim on how to make their sedarim as engaging and enjoyable as possible. Rabbi Rapaport shared anecdotes from his time on Merkos Shlichus as well as tips and ideas he has used in his decades running sedarim for his community.

Rabbi Shneur Nejar closed the event by emphasizing the responsibility of representing the Rebbe wherever you go and reminding the Bochurim to be diligent in documenting and sharing their activities to inspire exponentially more people.

The bochurim were treated to sushi, and each walked away with a bag of essentials for their trip. Chayenus, Bedikas Chometz kits, Seder guides, and many other items will help them in their path to bring inspiration to the farthest corners of the world.

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