Bochurim Hit the Books for Eretz Yisroel

Photos: David Katash/

Chazal say “Rise early and stay late in the beis medrash, and [those that torment you] will disappear on their own.” Bochurim set out to fulfill that with extra learning after Seder concluded on Monday night.

Over 1,500 bochurim and anash gathered for a special Seder Sichos in 770 on Monday night for the safety and security of Eretz Yisroel.

The added learning was held in the spirit of the maamar chazal “Rise early and stay late in the beis medrash, and [those that torment you] will disappear on their own.”

At the conclusion of the learning, a tefillah was said for our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel and for the immediate Geulah.

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