Bochur Riding Bike Hit by Car on Eastern Parkway

A 21-year-old bochur studying in Kevutza was hit by a car while riding his bike on Eastern Parkway on Thursday morning. He was transferred to the hospital with light injuries.

By reporter
Photos: Avreimke Eisenstein

A 21-year-old bochur from Israel studying this year in Kevutza, was hit by a car while riding a Citi bike in Crown Heights on Thursday morning.

The Bochur was crossing the intersection of Kingston Avenue and Eastern Parkway when he was hit by the incoming car driving down Kingston Ave.

Crown Heights Hatzala transported the injured bochur to the hospital where he is undergoing a series of tests. He is alert and is communicating with his surroundings.

The driver remained on the scene and is being questioned by Police.

Please recite Tehillim for his complete recovery.

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