Boca Raton Rabbi Amazed at Boys’ Torah Achievements

Talmidim at the Lubavitch Hebrew Academy in Margate Florida came to be tested by Boca Raton Rabbi Efrem Goldberg who was astounded by their mastery of Gemara by heart with Rashi and Tosfos.

After having completed and mastered the first perek of Masechta Makos with Rashi and Tosfos, talmidim from the Lubavitch Hebrew Academy in Margate Florida came to be tested by Boca Raton rov, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg. They were accompanied by their rebbi, Rabbi Yaakov Sheinberger, and principal Rabbi Shneur Wilhelm.

Rabbi Goldberg asked them questions throughout the perek and the boys answered all of his questions clearly and confidently. Rabbi Goldberg was amazed by their mastery of the Gemara by heart, and he praised them highly.

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  1. The Melamed and Menahel’s names should be mentioned but why not also the three talmidim the true ‘stars’ of this story

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