Blau Family Welcomes New Torah in 770

The family of Rabbi Menachem Meir Blau a”h, who spent years sharing the Rebbe’s message of Moshiach every day in 770, fittingly dedicated a Torah to him in 770.

By reporter

Rabbi Menachem Meir Blau a”h dedicated the later years of his life to spread a daily message of Inyai Geluah U’Moshiach out loud to the crowds gathered to daven in 770. In a meaningful and personal gesture, his family dedicated a Sefer Torah in 770 with a powerful message written on it in his honor.

The Torah’s mantle has double embroideries on the top and bottom of the beautiful velvet coat. On top, is embroidered “Anavim, higiya zman geulaschem, ut ut kumt Moshiach,” and on the bottom is embroidered, “Tzion b’mishpat tipadeh vishaveha bitzdakah,” and “Ve’ahavta lere’acha kamocha,” all things that he lived his life for and with.

The Torah was dedicated in his memory and was dedicated to a special cause in Crown Heights for those in need. It will be available for those who are r”l unwell and require a minyan at home to borrow when they need. Rabi Blau spent his life bringing people closer to the Rebbe’s message and helping out people in need. May the Torah be a source of comfort to his family and bring nachas to his neshama in shamayim.

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