Blachman Family Will Celebrate 70th Birthdays With New Torah

In honor of Rabbi Eli and Mrs. Sara Blachman’s 70th birthdays, their family is celebrating with the completion of a new Torah. Join them as they welcome it to its new home.

Rabbi Eli and Mrs. Sara Blachman are celebrating their 70th birthdays and invite the community to join them in welcoming a new Torah to Congregation Ahavas Moische, also known as Itchke’s Shteibel.

The event will begin with the writing of the final letters of the Torah in the Blachman home at 682 Lefferts Avenue, on Wednesday, the 12th of Tishrei, at 4:00 pm.

From there, the attendees will join the Hachnasas Sefer Torah at 5:30 and escort the Torah to its new home in Ahavas Moshe on 612 Maple Street.

There, they will celebrate with hakafos and L’chaims, followed by a beautiful seuda.


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