Billboard Spreads Message of Pesach and Geulah

In honor of Yud Aleph Nissan, Montreal Anash sponsored a 4-week advertisement with a message about Pesach and the Geulah on Montreal’s largest billboard. 

In honor of Yud Aleph Nissan, Montreal Anash sponsored a 4-week advertisement with a message about Pesach and the Geulah on Montreal’s largest billboard. 

The billboard is located at a very busy intersection where 75% of the Jewish community passes on a regular basis 

Rabbi Zushe Silberstein shared that the response is overwhelmingly positive. 

“In these days of pandemic gloom, seeing the Rebbes picture with the positive message of the Bessuras Hageulo is very heartwarming and encouraging,” he said.

The message in French (according to local requirements) states: Let’s welcome the Redemption.”

The artist’s depiction of the Rebbe distributing Matza is a reminder of the need for Shmura Matza.

The billboard also includes a link to the website, a site where all Pesach activities, programs, and services offered by all Montreal Shluchim is listed. 

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