Bike Thief Messes with the Wrong Mother

A brazen bike thief shamelessly paraded his stolen loot in front of the owners. What he didn’t take into account, was that this one mother wasn’t going to take the injustice against her child sitting down.

This week, a young boy was out with his bike when it was shamelessly stolen in broad daylight. The mother of the boy kept seeing the bike thief riding around the community without fear of consequences and was infuriated for her child.

After seeing him, she turned to Shomrim for help. Shomrim had a representative show up within two minutes of her call and immediately took down the profile of the thief and the description of the bike.

The Shomrim member had the perp found shortly after, and called NYPD to come apprehend the perp immediately. The police arrested the suspect and the bike was returned to its rightful owner.

The young boy is now back out on the streets riding happily and his mother has peace and quiet in her house.

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