Benny Friedman’s Emotional Journey to Kazakhstan

The story of singer Benny Friedman’s emotional journey to the tziyun of Harav Levi Yitzchok Schneerson is just one of the captivating articles in a new magazine published for Chof Av. Download here.

Fascinating stories, captivating articles and heartrending memories are some of what can be found in a new magazine, published ahead of Chof Av, 79th hilula of Harav Levi Yitzchok Schneerson, father of the Rebbe.

Among the articles in the magazine is an interview with Chassidic singer Benny Friedman about his trip to Kazakhstan. Benny, who traveled with fellow members of the ‘Anshei Lubavitch’ Shul of Crown Heights to daven at Reb Levi Yitzchok’s tziyun, relates the feelings and emotions felt by the group on the trip.

Published by Chabad of Kazakhstan ahead of their annual campaign, the magazine will be distributed free in Crown Heights, Israel and Kazakhstan in thousands of copies in English, Hebrew and Russian.

The magazine will be available in Crown Heights shuls and distributed to homes, as well as available for free download here, for those who live elsewhere and wish to read and enjoy the magazine.

Besides Benny’s article, the magazine also contains selected excerpts from the diary of Rebbetzin Chana, mother of the Rebbe, and unique stories from the work of the shluchim in Kazakhstan. 

Click here for your free download!

Print, read and enjoy.

Chabad of Kazakhstan will be holding their annual Chof Av Magbis starting Friday, 17 Av. Take part today, help continue the legacy of Harav Levi Yitzchok, and bring nachas ruach to the Rebbe. Click here to donate now!




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