Beit Shemesh Yeshiva Celebrates Double Dedication

A double celebration took place at Yeshivas Lubavitch Tiferes Yisroel in Beit Shemesh, with a new Torah being dedicated by R’ Yonasan and Malka Kushner and a new Aron Kodesh dedicated in memory of Tzvi and Itty Ainsworth.

A double celebration took place at Yeshivas Lubavitch Tiferes Yisroel in Beit Shemesh, with the dedication of a new Torah and a new Aron Kodesh for the Yeshiva.

The Torah was dedicated by Reb Yonasan and Malka Kushner and family, who are known for their generosity, particularly when it comes to taking care of the bochurim of Yeshivas Lubavitch Tiferes Yisroel.

The Sefer Torah was dedicated in memory of Yonasan’s mother Brocho Rochel Bas Nosson Yehuda Kushner a”h. Her students remember her as their loving teacher who, for 25 years, took a unique and personal interest in each and every one of them. She was always very put together, warm and welcoming, and who, together with her husband, Moshe Yaakov, had an open home.

This is the first Sefer Torah being given to the relatively new Yeshiva. Menahel Rabbi Chaim Moss said, “It is with great humility that we accept this incredible gift. Reb Yonasan and his family have been a consistent support to the Yeshiva and our bochurim in a truly outstanding fashion. One thing which is really very special is the home away from home Reb Yonasan and his wife Malka provide for the bochurim.”

“We also dedicated our new Aron Kodesh which sits prominently in the zal, in the zchus and memory of my dear and uncle and aunt Tzvi and Itty Ainsworth a”h,” he said.

“I’ll never forget, one of the first messages I received when we published our first article about the launch and opening of our new Yeshiva was from my uncle Tzvi. He was very happy and proud of what we were doing, so I think its really very special that the Aron Kodesh dedicated to them sits front and center in our zal.

“My dear cousins, their children, the Ainsworth family, dedicated the Aron Kodesh in their loving memory, and I can’t think of a better place to remember them than in the timeless warmth and glow of Torah learning in the zal,” he said.

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