Final touches are being put on a stunning new mikvah in the Inner Circle Bungalow Colony ahead of a grand opening on Sunday.
By reporter
Final touches are being put on a stunning new mikvah in the Inner Circle Bungalow Colony ahead of a grand opening on Sunday.
The mikvah building contains two separate mikvaos – a mikvah tahara named ‘Mikvah Hadassah’ in memory of Hadassah Lebovic a”h, and a men’s mikvah name ‘Mikvah Shimshon v’Meir’, dedicated by R’ Dovid Fischer and family.
A grand opening for the mikvah will be held on Sunday, 13 Tammuz. The opening will honor the memory of Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenfeld a”h and Rabbi Mottel Chein a”h.
43 Olympic Lane, Liberty, NY 12754.
1:00 PM – Ceremony and Mikvah Tour.
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