‘Be Nice’ Initiative Available for Girls High Schools

The Be Nice program, first created with the mission to bring out the idea of Ahavas Yisroel in a practical and exciting way, is now available for all girls’ high schools.

Due to popular demand, the “Be Nice” initiative is now available for all girls’ high schools. The Be Nice program was created to bring out the idea of Ahavas Yisroel in a practical and exciting way. Through different initiatives and get-togethers, the girls learn what it means to truly look out for one another.

The Be Nice Curriculum, which is now for sale, consists of a year’s worth of programs, prepared schedules of events and activities, as well as detailed instructions for each section of the program. Files of all needed materials and handouts are also included.

The participating schools witnessed the program’s profound ability to impact a student’s personal journey, as well as their interactions with family, friends, and teachers. Kindness has a ripple effect that vibrates through a student, her friends, her school, her community, and the world. Together, “Let’s welcome Moshiach with acts of goodness and kindness!”

The Be Nice Program was started in memory of Shmuel Karnowsky A”H. Shmuel was an excellent Talmid; a confident, intelligent yeshiva bochur, who was especially known for his middos tovos. He was often heard telling others, “Hey, be nice!” With these two simple words, Shmuel infused so many situations with his innate positivity and genuine kindness. With his simple yet profound words, the “Be Nice” program was created.

To join the forces of schools participating in the Be Nice program, reach out today to 347-450-9543, beniceinternational.org, or on Instagram @benice_intl


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