With great sadness we regret to inform you of the untimely passing of R’ Yaakov Yehuda Bam a”h, a member of the Crown Heights community. He passed away on Monday night, 28 Adar.
With great sadness, we regret to inform you of the untimely passing of R’ Yaakov Bam, a”h, a member of the Crown Heights community. He passed away on Monday night, 28 Adar.
He was 55-years-old.
Yaakov was a fixture at the Empire Shtiebel in Crown Heights. A mispallel there told Anash.org that you could always see him with a sefer, either learning on his own or teaching someone. He was known for his avodas ha’Tefillah.
He had worked for the Shamir organization as an editor of their books.
He is survived by his wife, Mazal and children Chana Genya, Yossi and Mendy.
Levaya and Shiva information to be announced.
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes
BDE! Very shocking and sad news.
Reb Yakov was a tayere yid. When I lived in Crown Heights, we would learn chassidus together once in a while. He loved chassidus, and really “got” what chasidus demands from a yid.
He will be missed.
והחי יתן אל לבו – we can all learn to have the proper יוקר for a what chasidus teaches us from Reb Yakov AH.
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