Rabbi Yitzchok Goldstein, 72, AH

Rabbi Yitzchok Goldstein, shliach of the Rebbe to Madrid, Spain since the year 5738, with the direct and personal encouragement of the Rebbe, passed away. 

By Anash.org reporter

Rabbi Yitzchok Goldstein, shliach of the Rebbe to Madrid, Spain since the year 5738, with the direct and personal encouragement of the Rebbe, passed away. 

He was 72 years old, and had battled a terrible illness in recent years.

He was born in 5712 in Crown Heights to his parents, Rabbi Yosef (Uncle Yossi) and Chana Priva Goldstein, daughter of Reb Alter Yehoshua Hacohen Winter. During the years 5732-5733, he served as a bochur shliach to the Yeshiva in London.

In 5735, he married Shifra Greenberg of Crown Heights and soon after they began their life on shlichus, first in Upstate New York’s Catskills region in such towns as Woodridge and Monticello.

In 5737, Rabbi & Mrs. Goldstein were asked by the Rebbe’s European ambassador Rabbi Avrohom Yitzchok Glick to come to Malaga, Spain to open a Kosher Mikvah. Soon after, immediately after Pesach of 5738, they moved to the capital Madrid and established a Chabad center there. Over the following years, thousands of locals and visitors were the beneficiaries of their great caring and devotion. There they raised a large family, ka”h, many of whom are on shlichus today.

Rabbi Goldstein was known as a great mekusher to the Rebbe who frequently wrote to the Rebbe how great his desire was to be in the Rebbe’s daled amos. The Rebbe responded in kind, giving Rabbi Goldstein unique direction and encouragement in his shlichus and work.

In one such example, in an answer written on Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul 5742, exactly 41 years ago to the day, the Rebbe responded to a letter of Rabbi Goldstein where he begged permission to be by the Rebbe for Tishrei.

In his letter, Rabbi Goldstein wrote that “Although we do not have money [for the trip]…but if the Torah was concerned about the money of Yidden, surely for their neshamos and the chayos they receive from being in the Rebbe’s presence.”

The Rebbe circled the words “neshamos“, and wrote “How do they know where is better for your neshama [to be]?”

In Rabbi Goldstein’s letter, he continued: “We want to be by the Rebbe shlita, please!” The Rebbe circled that line, and wrote “The Baal Shem Tov says, that when a Yid thinks about Madrid, he is in Madrid.” This is referring to the teaching of the Baal Shem Tov “Where a person’s thoughts are, that’s where he is.” The Rebbe was telling his dedicated shluchim that he was with them in Madrid…

(For the full ma’aneh, see the image below.)

He is survived by his wife Shifra and children, Shneur Zalman Goldstein – Madrid, Spain; Mendel Goldstein – Crown Heights; Shmuel Goldstein – Crown Heights; Sholom Ber Goldstein – Postville, IA; Alter Goldstein – Grenoble, France; Levi Goldstein – Israel; Yisroel Goldstein – Crown Heights; Dini Anton – Bala Cynwyd, PA; Chaya Junik – Crown Heights; Rivka Roth – Monsey, NY; Sara Goldstein – Florida; Devorah Leah Gopin – Crown Heights; Hinda Levin – Bet Shemesh, Israel and many grandchildren. He was predeceased by his daughter Menucha Rochel a”h.

He is also survived by his siblings: Rabbi Ahron Goldstein – Ann Arbor, Michigan; R’ Sholom Ber Goldstein – Crown Heights; Rabbi Chaim Levi Goldstein – Crown Heights; Mrs. Toby Lieder – Sydney Australia; R’ Mendel Goldstein – Crown Heights; Mrs. Leah Perl – Los Angeles, CA; Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein – Poway, CA; Mrs. Shternie Ulman – Sydney Australia; R’ Zalman Goldstein, Monsey, NY.

Levaya and Shiva details to follow.

Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes.

Nichum Avelim

Feel free to share your memories of the niftar.

  1. Era una persona muy querida por mis padres y por toda nuestra familia
    Que Ha Shem lo tenga en Gan Edén, su memoria nos ilumine y que ruegue por nosotros.

  2. Baruj Dayan Haemet
    Se fue una gran persona y un buen amigo
    Tuve la oportunidad de hablar mucho con él durante más de 8 años que trabaje como Madrij en BAlmes
    Que Ashem lo tenga en Gan Eden en el
    Mundo del jesed y de las buenas personas
    Lo echaremos mucho de menos
    Que Ashem envíe consuelo a tu Sra Madre y a toda la familia
    Un fuerte abrazo

  3. BDE
    Mr Goldstein , un Tzaddick es recibido por nuestro creador y el gran Tzaddik “el Rebbe” si querida hija “Menuja” zl , a la cual crecí con elle en mi infancia en Madrid ..special neshamot …
    My family ( Samuel Cohen @fmly ) ( Esther @ Jose Nahon @ family ) had the great privilege to had a big part of our lives surround the amazing Goldstein family . Specially my dear dad who share with the Goldstein family a great common mission serving the community of Madrid ( Spain providing Kosher meat ) in Madrid ! Our minds and Hearts are with his tzaddekket wife Shifra , who we love & respect so much , and all his family .
    May the all mighty & Tzaddikim greet Mr Goldstein Neshama in Erev Ellul ( no coincidence in life ) with open arm in Gan Eden and pray for his family to have strength in this difficult moment in a spouse , sons , daughters , siblings lives .
    We will cherish his memorie and actions , forever grateful for his mission serving de Madrid community.
    May H grant his beloved wife Shifra long life @ continues Nachat .
    Samuel & Linda , Hanna , Kathy , Yaakov , Sarah Cohen .
    Forever on our Hearts … BDE

  4. Baruch Dayan Haemet
    Presentamos nuestros más sinceros pésames a toda la familia, mujer hijos
    Que bella persona, tanto él como su esposa hijo se dedicaron a la comunidad de Madrid/España. Guardo muy buenos recuerdos ya sea de él y de sus hijos ya que crecimos juntos
    Que su Nechama sea una aliya en gan eden
    Yaacov cohen ( Jacky cohen ) desde canada

  5. BDE. Gran amigo con un I corazón dedicado a ayudar al prójimo en compañía de su querida esposa Shifra. Una pareja ejemplar luchando por difundir la Torah desde al más anciano hasta el más pequeño. Su casa siempre abierta. Los shabbat especial donde reinaba una calor una hospitalidad sin igual. Casa de Abraham Avino. Siempre con una sonrisa para ayudar y gran devoción para mantener la miztvah del mikvet. Una familia muy querida. Guardamos muy buenos recuerdos y nuestros hijos también. Que Hashem le acoja en GanEden y pida por todo AmIsrael. Un gran ztadik. Roguemos que reciban mucha fuerza Shifra la ztadeket y sus hijos para superar esa prueba. Amén. Saludos de la familia William Samuel y Linda Cohen y hijos desde Panamá. Que llegue pronto el Mashiah. Amén

  6. Fueron como nuestra casa en Madrid, por el zjut de Rab. Goldstein, que me invitó a su casa en mi primer Shabat en Madrid y que sorpresivamente la familia con la que cenaba no me pudo llevar con ellos, llegó el Rab. Goldstein con su siempre dulce sonrisa y con todo su Jesed que lo caracterizaba, me llevo a su casa y ahí, esa noche conocí en mi esposa cuánto Zjut y que descanse en Gan Eden. Baruj Dayan AHemet

  7. Rabbi Goldstein was a very kind gentleman and my first introduction to CHABAD. I was a student in Madrid Spain in January 1989 and went to Shul by myself as my grandfather had passed on in US. He met me with open arms. He was kind enough to invite me to his house that Shabbat and every Shabbat thereafter. He invited all the study abroad students and tourists for Passover.

  8. My dear Shifra, in behalf of the Chetrit family, especially my father, I want to tell you that we are so saddened for the loss of Rav Yitzchok z’l.
    He was an exceptional person and will always be in our memories. May the Zehuth of all the Chessed and Maasim Tovim that he so generously did all his life be a merit for his Neshama. May his memory be a Bracha forever and May all his descendants, and everyone who had the blessing to know him, learn from his wonderful example and follow in his midot.
    He will be sorely missed, yet not forgotten.
    Baruch Dayan Ha Emmett 

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