Banquet for Florida Shluchim Wraps Chof Av in Almaty

A grand banquet wrapped up Florida Regional Kinus Hashluchim in Almaty, Kazakhstan, with adresses by Florida and Almaty shluchim, and niggunim by chazzan Berel Zucker.

Photos: Yechezkel Itkin

A grand banquet wrapped up Florida Regional Kinus Hashluchim in Almaty, Kazakhstan, with adresses by Florida and Almaty shluchim, and niggunim by chazzan Berel Zucker.

Over the past two days, hundreds of Shluchim from across the State of Florida convened in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, for a regional Kinus Hashluchim on Chof Av.

The Kinus was held in conjunction with the yahrzeit of Reb Levi Yitzchok, father of the Rebbe, giving shluchim a chance to rejuvenate, meet with fellow shluchim and be inspired at workshops, lectures and farbrengens.

The entire event is being produced by Fleishman – Peles Productions.


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