Baltimore Mesivta Welcomes First Group of Shluchim

The first shluchim ever to Mesivta Lubavitch Baltimore posed for their first group photo in front of the replica of 770 at Yeshivas Lubavitch of Baltimore.

First shluchim ever to Mesivta Lubavitch Baltimore took their first group picture in front of the replica of 770 at Yeshivas Lubavitch of Baltimore.

The mesivta is dedicated to providing a nurturing and inspiring environment for young bochurim to excel in their learning, engage in mivtzahs, and experience personal growth in chassidishkeit.

The shluchim are Yisroel Mendel Simon (Crown Heights, NY), Mendel Sirota (Crown Heights, NY), Shmuel Rosenberger (Crown Heights, NY), and Menachem Yaghoubian (Great Neck, NY).

You can help support the shluchim in their efforts to make an impact, ensuring that bochurim have the tools and resources they need to succeed in their learning. For more information or to help out, you can email [email protected]

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