Baltimore Boys Prepare for a Month to Visit the Rebbe’s Ohel

Boys from the 4th, 5th and 6th grades of Cheder Chabad Baltimore paid a special trip to the Rebbe’s Ohel this week, after preparing for the visit over a full month. The visit made a “tremendous Impact,” teachers said.

Boys from the 4th, 5th and 6th grades of Cheder Chabad Baltimore paid a special trip to the Rebbe’s Ohel this week, after preparing for the visit over a full month.

The boys spend the past month preparing for the trip, with each class discussing the concepts of hiskashrus, a Rebbe, and traveling to the Ohel in preparation for the trip. Finally, after the weeks of preparing themselves, the boys headed to New York with their teachers to pay a visit to the Rebbe’s Ohel.

On the bus, the boys sang the niggunim of each of the Rebbeim together with their teachers, and when they arrived at the Ohel they had a chance to write panim and daven.

After coming out of the Ohel, the boys had a surprise farbrengen with Rabbi Mendy Yusewitz, principal of Ohr Menachem in Crown Heights.

Teacher Rabbi Aharon Chazan, who organized the trip noted that for some of the boys, it was their first time visiting the Ohel.

“The visit, coming after a proper and earnest hachana, had a tremendous impact on the school,” he told


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